PRESCHOOLER (Toddlers, 2, 3, 4 and 5 year olds)

Full Time Students $185

PART TIME STUDENTS (including preschool)

Full day $65/day

Half day $50/day


After-school Care $80

Addtl. Fee for attending full day (when public school is out) $20

Early Release pick up $10

Summer weekly tuition $185



All Supply Fees Are Non-Refundable

Pre-Registration Fee (non-refundable) *price includes 1 door key $50

Supply Fees (for all students FULL or PART-TIME non-refundable)

Fall, Spring, & Summer for Pre-School $85

Summer (School age *includes field trip fees & Summer Camp shirt) $150

After-school care (for whole school year) $60

Lunch Charge (Catered Lunches) $3/lunch

Late Pick-Up Fee $1/minute

Late Payment Fee (payment received after Tuesday @ 6pm/current week) $15/week

Returned Check Fee $35

T-SHIRTS (required for all Pre-K field trips) $20

Front Door Key (if you need to buy an extra) $10

New Nap Mats $25

Used Nap Mats $5


* Students who are returning to our program may be paying a lower fee.  Fee changes are for new students entering our program.  If you drop from our program and then re-enroll, you will go under the new rates.


  1. Our program is not synonymous with free child care, for our teachers work diligently for their salaries.  Each child is a priority with his/her parents; therefore, child care tuition should be a priority in each family’s budget.
  2. The charges are for places reserved for your child….not for periods of attendance.
  3. A NON-REFUNDABLE supply fee is due 3 times a year (September/January/June).
  4. All accounts must be kept current. Delinquent accounts will be turned over to a collection agency and charged on all returned checks.
  5. The center reserves the right to make adjustments in tuition as may be required by increased/decreased enrollment or increased operational expenses.  Parents will be given a written 30-day notice of any tuition changes.


These fees are subject to change at any time.  Tuition is due the first of the month or week.

Additional charges are assessed for extra services provided beyond the basic program.


  1. Supply fees are charged three times during September, January, and June and are non-refundable.
  2. Extra Hours extending past center closing time are charged at the rate of $1.00 per minute.
  3. A Late Payment Penalty of $15.00 minimum is assessed on past due accounts by Wednesday of each week.
  4. Returned Checks result in a $30.00 minimum charge.  Recurrent returned checks will cause the account to be collected on a cash only basis.
  5. Unpaid Balances:  Any student with an unpaid balance at the end of a semester will not be allowed to start the next semester until the balance is paid in full.  The child will lose their spot!
  6. Other charges may be assessed for tickets, field excursions, shirts, photography, etc.  which may be offered to you on an optional basis.

How Do You Enroll?

Join Our Journey of Discovery

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Testimonials About Growing Stick

I sent my son to The Growing Stick and was very impressed! Everyone was so kind and truly cared about my child and his education. I HIGHLY recommend it.

C. Feidon
Flying letter